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How to listen to Venice Classic Radio

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Venice Classic Radio is a webradio, which can be listened anywhere, provided that an Internet connection, traditional or wireless, be persent. Here are all the ways to listen to Venice Classic Radio (to start the reception, click on the specific icons on the side):

  Venice Classic Player
The player developed by Venice Classic Radio lets you to listen to the radio with all the information on the music on air (Composer, Title, Artist, CD, Editor and Cover) and allows a direct access to the pages of Amazon to buy the cd. There's also a link to access the websites of the performers. Compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux (provided that Adobe Flash is installed).

  Traditionals players
  The listening to Venice Classic Radio is also possible using the traditional players. Here is a list of the most common, which can be activated by clicking on their icon on the left:
iTunes is a popular program for the acquisition and the listening of music developed by Apple. It is available for Windows and Mac.
Winamp is one of the most popular players. It exists for Windows, Mac (called MacAmp) and Linux (called XMMS).
Mediaplayer is the ore-defined player for Windows systems.
Real Player has been one of the first multimedia player. It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. 
VideoLan (VLC) is known for its ability to play virtually any format. It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. 

  Mobile devices
Venice Classic Radio does not have yet an application dedicated to mobile devices. We therefore suggest to utilize one of the following applications, freely available in their stores:

  iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Mobile, Blackberry, Palm, Samsung Bada
TuneIn is a very good for listening to a huge number of web radio from all around the world. After having downloaded and installed it on your device, launch it and select 'search', put in the search box the name 'Venice Classic Radio' and then select the window with the logo and the name of radio that appears as the search result. The reception begins! Selecting the icon '+' on the low left, Venice Classic Radio will always be available to any opening of the application in the section 'My Favorites'.

Xiialive is an excellent application based on the list of the Shoutcast radios, highly rrecommended for listening on the move. After having installed an android device, start and select 'Search', enter the name 'Venice Classic Radio' and then select the window with the radio name that appears as a search result. The reception begins! By selecting the '+' symbol that appears at 'Favorites'.
For listening to Venice Classic Radio on the move, we recommend using the paid version of the application, because it is able to automatically reconnect to the streaming, after a fall line, without stopping (the free version makes five attempts and then stops).

  Nokia Symbian
The Nokia Symbian operating system integrates a Real Player, which is started by clicking the icon on the side.
In the newer system, Nokia has made available an application dedicated to Internet Radio.


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They SAID...

Mozart รจ il raggio del sole
Antonin Dvorak


Wunderbare klassische Musik ! Wunderbare Werke... Vielen Dank!!!
Magdalena G.


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