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In the salons of the Empire: Mozart and Onslow at Palazzetto Bru Zane

Wednesday, 26th September, at 8:00 pm at Palazzetto Bru Zane in Venice, the Quatuor Ruggieri will perform music by W.A. Mozart and G. Onslow.

The name Quatuor Ruggieri comes from a famous family of lutenists. The quartet follow the discovery of a universe of sound that comes as close as possible to the performances in the past. The concert programme presents the recreation of the Onslow quartet, which had fallen into oblivion for almost two centuries despite its amazing romanticism. Furthermore, another concert that is not to be missed is the astounding transcription for a quartet of Mozart’s The Magic Flute, which was discovered in Paris in 1801 with the evocative title, Les Mystères d’Isis.

Programme notes

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Les Mystères d’Isis (Anonymous transcription for string quartet)

George Onslow (1784-1853)
Quartet Op.21

Performers: Gilone Gaubert-Jacques, Charlotte Grattard, violins - Delphine Grimbert, viola - Emmanuel Jacques, cello
Where: Venice, Palazzetto Bru Zane, San Polo, 2368
When: Wednesday, 26th September 2012 - At 8:00 pm
Ticket: Full price: € 25; Reduced price (students and under 28): € 5.
Info: [Palazzetto Bru Zane] [Quatuor Ruggieri]

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They SAID...

Mozart è il raggio del sole
Antonin Dvorak


Wunderbare klassische Musik ! Wunderbare Werke... Vielen Dank!!!
Magdalena G.


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