Many composers from the Baroque age tried their hands at the noble subjects of Antiquity. With the greatest passion the pre-romanticism intensifies the furore and torment of figures such as Phaedra, Iphigenia, Eurydice, Olympia and Medea. Protagonists of the concert: the Belgian orchestra Les Agrémens playing period instruments, the conductor Guy van Waas and the Italo-American mezzosoprano Jennifer Borghi.
Programme notes
Antonio Salieri (1750-1825)
Les Danaïdes (ouverture)
Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne (1704–1778)
Phèdre, aria of Phèdre: "Hyppolite succombe…"
Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787)
Orphée et Eurydice (ballets)
Rodolphe Kreutzer (1766-1831)
Ipsiboé, aria of Ipsiboé: "Anciens maîtres de la Provence"
Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782)
Amadis de Gaule, aria of Arcabonne: "Bientôt l’ennemi qui m’outrage"
Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga (1806-1826)
Symphonie en ré majeur
Gaspare Spontini (1774-1851)
Olympie, aria of Statira: "Ô déplorable mère"
Performers: Jennifer Borghi, mezzosoprano - Orchestra Les Agrémens - Guy van Waas, conductor
Where: Venice, Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista, San Polo, 2454
When: Saturday, 22nd September 2012 - At 8:00 pm
Info: [Palazzetto Bru Zane] [Scuola San Giovanni] [Jennifer Borghi]