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Massimo Lombardi

Massimo Lombardi

Website URL: http://www.veniceclassicradio.eu E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The guitarist Giulio Tampalini plays some Variations for flute and guitar (world premiere recording) by Mauro Giuliani in an edition published by the Amadeus Foundation.
Saturday, 11th May 2013 - 9:30 pm


The guitar player Giulio Tampalini, accompanied by the Orchestra of the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza directed by Giampaolo Bisanti, plays the Grand Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra Op.36 by Mauro Giuliani in an edition published by the Amadeus Foundation.
Tuesday, 7th May 2013 - 4:00 pm


Venice Classic Radio invites you to Teatro La Fenice for the presentation of the new CD recorded by Ensemble 'Silete Venti!', organized by the Association Amici della Musica in Venice. The program includes music by Antonio Vivaldi performed by Mo. Simone Toni on a rare ivory oboe. Saturday, 4th May 2013 at 7:00 pm. Download the invitation!


The Ensemble Guidantus is a chamber group formed in 1995 out of the homonymous orchestra. At 'Pomeriggio barocco' they will play music by Carlo Tessarini and Pablo Queipo De Llano.
Tuesday 30th April 2013 - 3:00 pm


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They SAID...

Mozart è il raggio del sole
Antonin Dvorak


Wunderbare klassische Musik ! Wunderbare Werke... Vielen Dank!!!
Magdalena G.


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