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Massimo Lombardi

Massimo Lombardi

Website URL: http://www.veniceclassicradio.eu E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

'Note Future' is a Concert Season which shows off the most distinguished musicians from all over the Italy. Now in its sixth year, it will take place at the Teatro Dario Fo in Camponogara (VE) in the months of February and March 2016.


Pomeriggio Barocco

Every afternoon we prepare for you an hour dedicated to the composers and performers of Baroque music. An exciting research to offer not only the most famous authors of the past, but also the lesser-known composers.
From Monday to Saturday - 15:00 pm


Eight days of pure music in close contact with the first parts of the most prestigious orchestras, with the specialists and the most renowned soloists. Ninety hours of theoretical and practical courses, orchestra rehearsals, audition simulations, seminars and concerts to prepare young musicians to win the more coveted competitions, to refine the repertoire and to discover the secrets of life in orchestra. All this is Orchestral Life!


The young and talented Italian pianist Irene Veneziano performs in a recital recorded in Turin with a program from Baldassare Galuppi to Camille Saint-Saëns.
Thursday 12th February 2015 - 9:00 pm


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They SAID...

La musica è una rivelazione più alta della filosofia
Ludwig Van Beethoven


Today the musica has been wonderful. Thank you......muchas gracias...
Wendy H.


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